CAUTION: Grilling bacon has been linked to causing bacon addiction! Grilling bacon has to be the absolute best way to cook bacon. We have not cooked bacon indoors in years. Even if we need bacon for a salad or a recipe- fire up the grill!
- No better way to start the day!
- Our GrateTongs putting in some work!
- “Beam me up, Scotty”
Safety First: Bacon can cause flare-ups! While GrillGrates reduces flareups, it can still happen.
- Do not place an entire package of bacon on the grill at one time!
- Do not use a paper towel to wick grease off hot GrillGrates or Griddle- allow them to cool off first. (I’ve learned this lesson the hard way)
- Do not leave your grill un-attended when grilling bacon. If you do experience a grease fire inside the grill, remove the bacon, shut off the fuel and allow it to burn out. After multiple weekends of grilling bacon this past summer, I did have a grease fire in the bottom of my pellet grill. Swift action saved the bacon! I turned off the grill, got the bacon off, and let the fire burn out. In less than 5 minutes I was firing it back up to finish the job. (with a cleaner grill too)
How to Grill Bacon on GrillGrates and Griddle
- Utilizing the Flat Side
- Griddling Bacon on the GrillGrate Griddle
1. 375°F-400°F at the surface (medium /low heat) is the perfect temperature. Much above that, you will notice the bacon burning and turning black, turn down your grill and dial in that perfect temp for crispy, golden brown bacon.
2. The Flat Side of GrillGrates is my favorite way to grill bacon with GrillGrates. You get overall sizzle and a good bit of the grease drains through the holes. Turn the bacon every 3-5 minutes. The Grate Tongs are ideal for handling bacon on the grill.
3. Use the GrillGrate Griddle too. You can achieve the same results with the Grate Griddle. Do be careful not to put more than 6-8 slices of bacon on one Griddle.
There is no better way to start the day than with Grilled Bacon!