If you’re looking for Super Bowl recipes and ideas for your grill, our friend Dave (Next With Dave on YouTube) is channeling his inner Tom Brady. In this “Guest Chef” episode, Dave shows off his grilling skills in this smoking video. Dave shows you Grilled Party Wings 4 Ways on your gas grill. You read that right- smokey wings on a gas grill. But Dave’s not done with his Super Bowl Grilling menu. How about Hamburger Bean Dip (made with SMASHBURGERS) served up with grilled tortillas! You had us at Smashburger Dave!
- Guest Apron Chef Dave Delaney
- Add smoke to gas grills with pellet in the valleys.
- Hamburger Bean Dip & Wings 4 Ways
This video is more than a trove of Super Bowl grilling recipes and appetizer ideas, it’s also a tutorial on advanced grilling techniques on a gas grill. Dave showed us a thing or two on how he uses pellets in the valleys to get maximum smoke. He also shows a lot of two-zone grilling and temperature movement from low to high. The Hamburger Bean Dip used every aspect of the gas grill. Let’s hope Tom Brady plays as well as Dave grills!
Check out the video below and make sure to like and subscribe to Dave’s channel too.